Monday, February 27, 2012

'HD' Video test...

So one of our assignment's in class was to post a 'High Definition' video that we have found or made.

Now the reason I am using quotations is that that one of the requirements was to downsize the video to a mere resolution of 320x180.

The goal is to see if people are able to view the video with no issues!

So here it is:


Monday, February 20, 2012

DNS Servers and VPNs!

So over the last week I've been trying to optimize my internet connection via finding a 'smart' DNS routing system.

Now with this 'smart' DNS routing system, the company that does it has placed servers in several countries that either cache the site (Storing a recent version of the site so that it can be retrieved faster) or route the user through the most efficient ways on the internet without any back log.

I use a service called Open DNS. They are coincidentally based right here in San Francisco!

And so far I have noticed a very small difference in speed but none to make me say "Hey I'll pay for it" well it's free anyway!

Moving on to VPN's....

I come from Dubai, UAE and back home the Internet is censored and at times is slow depending on where the website is hosted.

Here is the speed I get from my apartment here in San Francisco to a server in the city:
 And here's the speed I get from San Francisco to Dubai:

So yes there's a HUGE advantage to living in the USA due to almost everything being hosted here but also there are many disadvantages as well (Hint hint government domain seizures...)

With that being said, there is a service called OpenVPN - OpenVPN

The website looks like one of those sketchy types but I have been told its legit. The idea here is that I want to form a VPN network between my apartment in the US and my house in Dubai and with that my parents are guaranteed uncensored internet and maybe a speed increase (Hopefully!!)

However I still need to mess with trying to configure the VPN and see what I can do about linking my apartment and my house back in Dubai. Luckily though I do have an existing VPN via Hamachi but that is only limited me accessing my systems back home via VNC Viewer so they still do not get uncensored internet. Yet.

So until then I will try to find time this week to play around and once I get it running I hope to post on the results!

Peace out! :)


And a week later!

Hey there!

So a few things going on this week.

Managed to get myself a pair of Genelec 8030A studio monitors!
Weren't cheap but hey you get what you pay for and I am looking to play around with music production as well!

Will post pictures when I get them but for now here's a teaser:

Also got myself a Rode NT1A microphone to due some shows for the university's radio station!
Here's a snap of it from online:

I do plan on getting more audio products but kinda need to slow down and recoup some of the cash I spent!


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Live sound!

I'm pretty sure most of you have heard of a person called Deadmau5 (pronounced Deadmouse) or most probably heard of his music such as: Ghosts n Stuff, Raise your weapon, and Professional Griefers.

Surely enough I know some people might be curious on what kind of hardware he uses during his live sets and the photo below should explain it all or well part of it!

The picture clearly shows that Deadmau5 goes through great lengths to put on a good show and it shows with the help of all the hardware he is using!

Presonus 24 channel digital sound board, 2 Mac Pro Workstations, Moog Keyboard, Virus TI Polar Synth and not to mention Ableton Live.

Stay tuned for more interesting material until then peace out! ;)


First post! :)

Hey there!

Welcome to my tech blog.

I hope to share weekly tidbits about the tech world and all that it has to offer!

So try to check out the site as I start putting more content for all you guys to read!

Best regards!

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