Monday, May 14, 2012

Mooder's Tech Blog Podcast - Episode 5

Here's episode 5!

It's on YouTube and the link is below!

Please comment here if you guys would like any more information!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Mooder's Tech Blog Podcast - Episode 4

Here's episode 4!

It's on YouTube and the link is below!

Please comment here if you guys would like any more information!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Episode 3 Podcast up! - Storage hell & Spec'ing Computers

Spec'ing out computers and servers!

So I've been tasked with configuring 3 to 4 computers and a server for a company down in Las Vegas.

It seems easy as I have done it many times now but the issue here is that the system needs to be cost efficient and powerful enough to use in the office. They also will need to have dual monitors as the multitasking rate will be high.

Looked around and found a few systems that caught my eye. Here's a list of what I have looked at:
  • Dell Optiplex 990 SFF
  • HP Z200
  • Lenovo Thinkstation C
  • BYO - Build your own

Out of all of them I would have went with BYO since it's much cheaper to build with your own parts. But the issue is warranty incase something goes wrong! While I have built the systems I could easily sort it out myself but I wont always be there.

The best option I found was going with Dell's Optiplex series. It's cheap, powerful and comes with 3 years warranty right from the company!

For around $900 you can a really powerful system!

Now moving on to servers it gets a little more complicated. Long story short I also went with Dell due to being able to get a decent system for a decent price. As you customize the server the price goes up and sometimes it'll go way out of your budget. 

Thankfully Dell Outlet is another alternative for cheaper and still new computers and servers!

I will most probably write about my experience setting it up as I will be taking tons of pictures :)

Until then!


Storage hell

So this past weekend was not really enjoyable due to my computer almost nuking 2 of my Hard drives.

These two, one being the primary and the other being a backup were already configured to be mirroring each other.Computer thought "Oh I will just make them as independant drives!" and it did just that so at this point I had to manualy backup my data!

Fast forward to a few months later the computer decides to NOT show the drives at all. I freaked out. Big time. A call to a friend recommended that I download Ubuntu (Form of Linux) onto a CD and boot off of that instead.

Thankfully Ubuntu saw my data and I got straight to work backing it up!

Took two days but it was well worth it making sure that I have all my data intact!

So always remember folks back up your stuff else where or online!!!!


Monday, April 23, 2012

One month later... Spring break and IT work!

Why hello there peeps!

Yes it's been a while since I have posted and I do regret not coming on once in a while to give you guys an update of some sort.

But on with today's topic!

So over spring break I got to visit a production house down in Santa Monica.
This production house currently has 6 major motion pictures being worked on and it's IT infrastructure is amazing! Render farm workstations you got! Oh and the magic of movies not so magical anymore ;)

Other than that I have gone down to Vegas as well but not to party unfortunately. I kinda went there on business with my dad to help him plan out has company he is setting up there. My role was to help him plan the office's IT needs and plan those needs within a budget. So far I have looked to Dell, HP, Fujitsu and Lenovo and determined that Dell had the best balance of performance, price and service.

There you have it!

Hope you guys enjoyed reading!

As always see you next time!

Link to the audio version:

Mooder's Tech Blog Podcast Episode 2

Monday, March 26, 2012

Ultra Music Festival and Line array systems!

For some reason I can't seem to stop obsessing over sound and technical stuff.

I suppose that might be a good thing!

So over the past weekend Miami hosted the yearly Ultra Music Festival. The festival is all about DJ's and House/Techno/Electronic music producers coming together and performing to their fans. With so many artists performing at the event, the festival goer has many different stages or tents to choose from.

Unfortunately I was not able to go but I did catch the live stream on Ultra TV's Youtube page. I was impressed with the content and the setup of the overall event but not too impressed over the stream freezing very frequently at times.

With that aside I took to scooping out what Line Array systems they were using for the event.

For those who don't know what a Line Array system is, please read Wikipedia's description. Their definition is accurate and trustworthy in my opinion.

Line Array - Wikipedia

From all the pictures and videos I've seen so far I can say that they made really good choices on their systems. Below is a list of stages and systems that were in use.

Main Stage:
d&b Audio - J Series - db audiotechnik - J Series Line Array

40x of J12 Speaker modules (Yes I counted... Only because they were clearly visible in the picture!)
??x of J-Subs (No clear picture showing them all)
??x of B2 Subs from the d&b Audio C series

Carl Cox and Friends Tent:
DAS Audio - Aero Series 2 -

??x of Aero 50 Speaker Modules
Unknown subwoofers

I could not make exactly how many speakers or what subwoofers they had.

Klipsch Amphitheater:
d&b Audio - J Series - db audiotechnik - J Series Line Array

28x of J12 Speaker modules (Counted again!)
30x of B2 Subs from the d&b Audio C series

Here is a picture of the Klipsch Amphitheater stage being setup:

And last but not least here is a picture of the main stage from the back (The line array system is on the right):

I hope you guys have learnt something new!

As always thanks for reading and hope you guys enjoyed it!


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