So I've been tasked with configuring 3 to 4 computers and a server for a company down in Las Vegas.
It seems easy as I have done it many times now but the issue here is that the system needs to be cost efficient and powerful enough to use in the office. They also will need to have dual monitors as the multitasking rate will be high.
Looked around and found a few systems that caught my eye. Here's a list of what I have looked at:
It seems easy as I have done it many times now but the issue here is that the system needs to be cost efficient and powerful enough to use in the office. They also will need to have dual monitors as the multitasking rate will be high.
Looked around and found a few systems that caught my eye. Here's a list of what I have looked at:
- Dell Optiplex 990 SFF
- HP Z200
- Lenovo Thinkstation C
- BYO - Build your own
Out of all of them I would have went with BYO since it's much cheaper to build with your own parts. But the issue is warranty incase something goes wrong! While I have built the systems I could easily sort it out myself but I wont always be there.
The best option I found was going with Dell's Optiplex series. It's cheap, powerful and comes with 3 years warranty right from the company!
For around $900 you can a really powerful system!
Now moving on to servers it gets a little more complicated. Long story short I also went with Dell due to being able to get a decent system for a decent price. As you customize the server the price goes up and sometimes it'll go way out of your budget.
Thankfully Dell Outlet is another alternative for cheaper and still new computers and servers!
I will most probably write about my experience setting it up as I will be taking tons of pictures :)
Until then!
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