Monday, April 30, 2012

Storage hell

So this past weekend was not really enjoyable due to my computer almost nuking 2 of my Hard drives.

These two, one being the primary and the other being a backup were already configured to be mirroring each other.Computer thought "Oh I will just make them as independant drives!" and it did just that so at this point I had to manualy backup my data!

Fast forward to a few months later the computer decides to NOT show the drives at all. I freaked out. Big time. A call to a friend recommended that I download Ubuntu (Form of Linux) onto a CD and boot off of that instead.

Thankfully Ubuntu saw my data and I got straight to work backing it up!

Took two days but it was well worth it making sure that I have all my data intact!

So always remember folks back up your stuff else where or online!!!!


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